Synchronicity and International Authentic Movement Day 2024
A recording of the annual online gathering in celebration of Mary Whitehouse on her birthday, October 4th, 2024. The event was hosted by Paula Sager and Nina Kungurova and includes the stories five women who came forward to share memories of their time with Mary—Kathlyn Hendricks, Heidi Ehrenreich, and Cathy McFann, along with Joan Englander and Mary Ellen Klee.
An Evolution of Embodied Consciousness: Celebrating Five Decades of Janet Adler’s Work and Writing
In celebration of Janet’s recently published book, Intimacy in Emptiness: An Evolution of Embodied Consciousness editors, Paula Sager and Bonnie Morrissey share their experience of compiling Janet’s writings and tracking the development of her inquiry over the last 50 years. The on-line event was presented at the Authentic Movement Summit of the World Arts & Embodiment Forum held on April 23, 2023 from Beijing, China by Inspirees Education Group.
Seminar with Janet Adler
Janet Adler’s seminar was offered in conjunction with the release of her most recent book, Intimacy in Emptiness: An Evolution of Embodied Consciousness. Editors, Paula Sager and Bonnie Morrissey join Janet as she shares her current inquiries surrounding forgiveness and witness consciousness. The on-line event was presented at the Authentic Movement Summit of the World Arts & Embodiment Forum held on April 23, 2023 from Beijing, China by Inspirees Education Group.
The Collective Body as Sangha: Zen and the Discipline of Authentic Movement
Janet Adler in dialogue with Green Gulch Farm Abiding Abbess Furyu Nancy Schroeder during the online event, The Collective Body as Sangha, hosted by Paula Sager and Bonnie Morrissey co-editors of Janet Adler’s new and collected writings, Intimacy in Emptiness: An Evolution of Embodied Consciousness and produced by the San Francisco Zen Center on November 12, 2022.
A Path toward Witness Consciousness
A weaving of practice, shared inquiry, and seminar focused on the Discipline of Authentic Movement as it has evolved through Janet Adler’s decades-long embodied inquiry with students. Central to this path of practice is the emergent and transformative process of the inner witness developing within the relationship of mover and outer witness.
This presentation was given live as part of the Embodiment Conference 2020 and weaves some history and shared practice of The Discipline of Authentic Movement.